Thursday, December 20, 2012

My December yard

(I took these photos on Dec. 20, 2012) 

This Swiss Chard is still green and thriving, despite having been transplanted a month ago.

Swiss Chard

Parsley (in a pot on my deck)

(This celery was grown from last summer from  the bottom nub of store-bought celery.)

This black-eyed susan didn't bloom until December. 

Black-eyed Susan

Only these blooms remain on all my chrysanthemum plants.

This strawberry plant was chewed to the nub by Japanese beetles this summer, and I had given it up for dead and was about to throw it out. And then it began to grow back, miraculously pushing out a strawberry in December, which couldn't quite ripen.
Strawberry plant in December

This Alysium was grown from a 50 cent seed packet. It still smells like honey. (The store-bought alysium plants in my deck planters had already died).
Alysium surrounding a strawberry plant