Saturday, May 21, 2016

My latest addiction: local plant sales

It's still mostly rain and gloom here (and the article I'm linking to here was written before our current, drizzly weekend), so I've been spending my time planning where to put plants when it dries out and, whenever I can, I've dashed off to local plant sales.

Plant sales, sponsored or attended by local garden clubs, are the perfect place to see which plants are thriving in local gardens. They are also a great way to get advice from gardeners on particular plants or challenges with local soil, etc. The easiest way to find out about local plant sales is to join a garden club. You can also google "local plant sales" or "native plant sales" [e.g., here's a list of native plant sales in Maryland:]

Yesterday I went to a neighborhood plant sale and came back with an impressive haul for only $11 (they cut prices earlier because of the persistent downpour). So far this month I've spent $51 for a carload of plants, including four new succulents for my deck.

Mostly for my own record keeping, I'm including photos below of some of the plants I've purchased at recent sales. Beneath, I list links to pages on how to grow them. Many of these plants are native to Maryland; at the very least, they supposedly do fine here. I hope to update the pics at the end of the summer to see how or if they've grown.

Pink Peony

Blue and black salvia
Forget Me Not

Bleeding Heart

Bear's Breeches (Acanthus)

"Fern with Seeds" *


Also purchased (not pictured): various succulents, greenhouse grown sage and lavendar, and pink petunias for a deck container.

Info links:

PeoniesSunset: How to Grow PeoniesHow to Propagate Peonies

Blue and Black Salvia: Perennial Resource: Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue'*

Forget Me Not:  How to Grow Forget-Me-Not Flowers

Bear's Breeches: BHG: Bear's Breeches

AcubaFine Gardening Plant Guide: Gold Dust Plant

 * Fern with Seeds (haven't found the particular species of this one; it was pouring rain by the time I bought this, so I didn't linger to ask questions)

** (assume this is the plant I purchased; it didn't have a tag... will see when it blooms!)

1 comment:

  1. The forget me not is dead! I put it in too sunny a spot. Maybe it will come back later?
